

IQFeed plugin 1.9.2

A new release (v1.9.2) of IQFeed plugin is available now for download from:

CHANGES (as compared to 1.9.1):

  1. last update time now uses IQFeed timestamp instead of local clock and this prevents chart refresh stall occuring sometimes when clock on local machine and on IQFeed end are not synced.

There is also new video tutorial showing how to configure database with IQFeed as a data source:

More information can be found at:

IQFeed has released new IQFeed client software ( available from:

IQFeed plugin 1.9.1

A new release (v1.9.1) of IQFeed plugin is available now for download from:

CHANGES (as compared to 1.9.1):

  1. fixed 'tick' base interval mode
  2. fixed access violation that occurred when switching base time interval for existing database
  3. other minor fixes

CHANGES (as compared to 1.8.2):

  1. implemented support for Mixed EOD/Intraday mode (to turn it on go to File->Database Settings->Intraday settings and check "Allow mixed EOD/Intraday data"
  2. implemented support for tick/5-second/15-second base time interval - this REQUIRES support for second resolution on IQFeed servers which is due to release June 16th, 2007.

There is also new video tutorial showing how to configure database with IQFeed as a data source:

More information can be found at:

IQFeed has released new IQFeed client software ( available from:

Upgrading to this new version is REQUIRED for proper operation after IQFeed upgrade of their server software.

IQFeed plugin 1.9.0

A new release (v1.9.0) of IQFeed plugin is available now for download from:

CHANGES (as compared to 1.8.2):

  1. implemented support for Mixed EOD/Intraday mode (to turn it on go to File->Database Settings->Intraday settings and check "Allow mixed EOD/Intraday data"
  2. implemented support for tick/5-second/15-second base time interval - this REQUIRES support for second resolution on IQFeed servers which is due to release June 16th, 2007.

More details, installation instructions can be found at:

IQFeed has released new IQFeed client software ( available from:

Upgrading to this new version is REQUIRED for proper operation after IQFeed upgrade of their server software.

IQFeed plugin 1.8.2

A new release (v1.8.2) of IQFeed plugin is available now for download from:

CHANGES (as compared to 1.8.1):

  1. compiled with new API
  2. minor fixes in detecting drop in cumulative volume

More details, installation instructions can be found at:

IQFeed has released new IQFeed client software ( available from:

Upgrading to this new version is REQUIRED for proper operation after IQFeed upgrade of their server software.

Attention IQFeed subscribers

IQFeed has released new IQFeed client software ( available from:

Upgrading to this new version is REQUIRED for proper operation after IQFeed upgrade of their server software.

IQFeed plugin 1.8.1

A new release (v1.8.1) of IQFeed plugin is available now for download from:

CHANGES (as compared to 1.8.0):

  1. fixed problem with negative volume occuring on thinly traded symbols
  2. force backfill now actually re-backfills all quotes
  3. added 'waiting for timestamp from IQFeed' message to the startup procedure

More details, installation instructions can be found at:

New ODBC/SQL plugin version 1.4.0

New ODBC/SQL plugin version 1.4.0 has just been released.

Documentation, download links and more information is available from:

Added ability to use any user-defined SQL query, which allows to use SQL views and stored procedures.

IQFeed plugin 1.8.0

A new release (v1.8.0) of IQFeed plugin is available now for download from:

CHANGES (as compared to 1.7.0):

  1. updated to support new IQFeed API (download here)
  2. support for long intraday backfills (8+ months)
  3. shutdown / reconnect procedure clears internal data cache now
  4. added extra checks for Level-1 socket connection
  5. some other minor improvements

More details, installation instructions can be found at:

TWS 865.7 “historical data request pacing violation”

IB implemented new behaviour in their newest TWS 856.7 - after issuing more than 60 backfill requests withing 5 minutes, all subsequent requests fail with Error 162, "historical data request pacing violation".
Note that 60 requests means as little as backfilling one month back of 1-minute data for 12 symbols only (in one request you can ask for data maximum 5 days long).

For details see:

Unfortunatelly this change breaks backward compatiblity and will need to be addressed in next release of IB plugin.

New DDE data plugin (v1.2.2) released

A new improved DDE data plugin version 1.2.2 has been released.

Download links and usage instructions are available at:

CHANGES FOR VERSION 1.2.2 (as compared to 1.2.1):

  1. includes "Time shift" field in the context dialog,
  2. stores configuration per-database in dde.config file instead of in the registry
  3. other small improvements
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