

Attention QCharts subscribers

As per information provided on eSignal forums: eSignal is planning to switch all QCharts accounts to regular eSignal. So if you are using QCharts plugin now, then with the release of QCharts 6.0, you can start using your QCharts accounts with the AmiBroker eSignal plugin. All you need to do is to switch the data source in File->Database Settings to eSignal and enter your QCharts user name/password in "Configure" dialog.

2 Responses to “Attention QCharts subscribers”

  1. Chris DePuy
    November 2nd, 2006 | 3:42 pm

    After downloading the eSignal software and running Data Manager (only), I used my current QCharts username and password and this retrieves quotes and backfills just fine. I ran a force backfill exploration (filter=1 in AFL) and checked “wait for backfill” in the AA/Exploration window and it backfills the entire database (thats my first impression anyway). It seems to allow me to use all 500 tickers just like QCharts’ limit.

  2. November 2nd, 2006 | 3:50 pm

    Yes with “wait for backfill” flag turned on there is really no limit for backfill.
    The only limit is on the number of STREAMING quotes (in real time quote window).